Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Al Otro Lado

"To the Other Side." Caught a great documentary at the Los Angeles Film Festival today about the socio-economic conditions that inspire corridos/narcocorridos. These are Mexican ballads that document the lives of the people in very simple but poignant song. Don't know if I defined that right or not, but if you have any interest in learning how people live in the drug capital of Mexico--Sinaloa--this is a film you should seek out. This is a world where a young person has to choose between drug trafficking or crossing "al otro lado", to the United States. And you get to see this from the position of the coyotes (people who smuggle Mexicans across the border), border patrol agents, Mexicans that get caught on the other side and Arizona vigilantes.

I'm now going to head out and try and get in a set at a club in West Hollywood.

1 comment:

Butternut said...

Choose Life.

I chose demonic possession myself.