Saturday, October 15, 2005

Who Loves Faggots?

The Faggot Family, of course!


d.w. said...

What kind of pageant was this?

d.w. said...

I should follow links more thoroughly before posing questions.

L, did you get my e-mail?

Butternut said...

Ahahahahahahahahha... they said "Doody".

That article was so funny and full of good quotes. I won't repost them all here, just read it. In the words of Shakespeare, OMG.

duboisist said...

I don't know how anyone could hear someone make those quotes without laughing and I don't know how the BBC could have reported anuthing else that day with all their reporters laughing.
I hadn't heard about it until how and before seeing it I would sworn it was a urban myth.
Great find, Laura.

VagabondLoafer said...

I retched. I laughed. I retched some more.
Yeah, what those guys said. A great find Laura! Truly offal.
Maybe ‘Mr. Brain’ would like to become a Nascar sponsor.
The bottom of the image is cut off. I would like to know if little Grace received a sash too. They handed out the extra wide ones. The wider sashes are harder to keep on but they definitely look the best!

VagabondLoafer said...

Good one Sean! I’ll bet that kids’ classmates had a field day with him.

Tim said...

I believe the son is ready to star as the son in an ABC sitcom.