Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas Eve...

What's everyone doing this holiday? I drove 7-8 hours today and am now relaxing by a river in Northern Cal. And when I say "by the river", I mean I'm comfortably indoors sitting on a couch. Supposedly there's a river just beyond the deck but I can't see it on account of it being nighttime. Happy holidays everyone!


FatalPierce said...

Merry Christmas Laura,
as I am across the country from most of my family this year my holiday will hopefully be a quiet one. I also plan on watching the original Black Christmas tonight, just because they aren't the holidays without festive movies.

I hope you are having a great holiday, did the daylight confirm that there was indeed a river?

duboisist said...

Sorry Christmas Eve didn't start out so great. Hope things got better and you still enjoyed the Holiday.

Tim said...

Well it didn't snow here in CT and I'm glad for that - snow is pretty then pretty messy. I lived between Leggett and Garberville one summer - not sure how far up in CA you are but that sure is some beautiful forest up there. I got a 17 inch lcd monitor from the folkz. And a sweet lamp from my sister. It's cold raining here the day after and at least it's not snow. Merry Christmas Laura, CLinton, Butternut and to you bizzare poster who only posts twice a year but with an everyday fever. Hope it was - if not joyous and full of laughter - peacefull and absent of tears.

God bless us all; everyone.

Butternut said...

I got sick from holiday parties so that part of the day wasn't fun. My sister brought her new boyfriend to meet the family. Poor guy. He was on his best behavior, all "Yes Sir, No Ma'am". Hilarious.

Got some good stuff. Two basketball books, Phil Jackson's and one on Wilt Chamberlin (funny since the last WATS guest wrote a b-ball book). I also got a bunch of useful stuff I asked for, plus clothes, cologne, and some fancy shaving lotion. I was joking that I was getting all girly stuff and my sister was getting probably getting power tools. Then she opened up her new Makita power drill. We all laughed our asses off. I took a picture of it.

Merry Xma$ Tim, Clinton, Laura, Sean, and all the other posters I'm forgetting.

X said...

I dropped off X-Mas presents and watched a couple of movies. Although, I still haven't seen Blood Diamonds. I was pleasantly surprised with my gifts this year.

Anonymous said...

See Ya Next Year Lady :)

Such a wonderful blog you have ... nice crowd it attracts.
