Every New Year's Eve party should include at least one non-fatal accident to talk about the next day. This year, that accident was mine. Although extremely painful and unsightly, my bloody toe does not come with an incredibly exciting story. It is, however, a cautionary tale, the reason I'm considering wearing combat boots with cocktail dresses from now on. How did it happen? Chalk it up to open-toed shoes in a crowded bar...and trying to have a conversation with someone who was unaware of the spatial relationship between his right foot and my toe.
I called a good friend of mine yesterday at 3pm to see if he was still planning on preparing New Year's Day dinner for good luck. He said, "I just stopped vomiting an hour ago." I am happy to report that my friends and I were able to have a great time without any vomit, which brings me to my New Year's resolution: No vomit in 2007.
Other than uncharacteristic pack of Old Gold's I smoked (and the subsequent hak hak) no injuries were sustained on this coast either. Here's to us all in 07 - the calm before the election year from hell. Here's to jokes and friends and family and capitalizing on those things good and sacred in our lives.
Happy New Year Laura, Clinton, Butternut and all ye vagabonds.
I was still too sick to go out for New Years (suck!). No vomiting. No broken toes either. Also no fun.
Actually "No vomiting" used to be a house rule in one place I lived.
Happy New Year to Laura and all ye posters.
Happy New Year everybody.
The guy was just so overwhelmed by your other attributes that he didn't realize you had feet.
What's with all the drinking. Are auditioning for A&E's "Intervention?" Or are you trying to get into one of those celebrity rehab programs so you can network?
Have fun, but be careful.
I enjoyed my interview with you today. Check out the weird little movie I have up on OTL.
Beautiful toes. Classical, mediterreanean, with the second toe longer than the big toe, just like the Roman, Greek and Italian rennaisanse Goddesses
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