Tuesday, December 07, 2004


Right. So someone I know installed Dreamweaver on her computer thinking it would be a really fun and easy tool to use to do things like update her personal website and create other, more original websites, like gaybaby.org. Unfortunately, gaybaby.org never quite got off the ground, on account of the fact that its not-quite creator couldn't make it past page 17 of Macromedia's "Dreamweaver MX 2004." Now a lot of technophiles enjoy problem-solving, and tackling a new skill. For some, however, learning how to connect to one's remote server is an insurmountable obstacle, a personal Mount Everest that will never be conquered.

More than likely there are untold millions of people out there who would like nothing more than to share their thoughts with the world on a website of their own creation. And they're too dumb to understand "Creating Web Pages for Dumies" [sic], or any of the helpful tomes that weigh the shelves down at Barnes & Borders. How many failed gaybaby.orgs are out there that we'll never know about because they're stuck in the heads of computer illiterates? I'll tell you. Lots.

And it's truly a shame, as parents of gay babies will not have a forum created especially for them and their needs. What website can they visit to learn if their precious newborn is gay or bisexual? Where can parents turn to if they want to purchase leather diapers or leather baby chaps? I'll tell you where they can't go: The Gap.

Nevertheless, my dimwitted friend plods along, picking up a skill or two along the way, slowly, slowly making progress. Word on the street is she just started a blog. She's bound to find a way to link it to her website.


DannyGo said...

Tell your "friend" to use Adobe's GoLive CS and your problems will be solved. I'm sure others will disagree with me but what do they know? After all, they're using Dreamweaver! ;)

Elon James White said...

Just came across your blog and had a flash back of when I...er...a "FRIEND" of mine first used Dreamweaver. He remembers saying "Screw this, I'll fricken use microsoft word or something" He quickly fell flat on my..um...his face and had to come crying back to Dreamweaver.

My advice for your...ahem..."Friend" is that she should throw out the manual. If I kept the manual I think I'd still be on page 24. Ask somebody who's slightly versed in it and it'll be a lot easier. Humans can guide you better than whoever the freak who writes those manuals can.

My "Friend" maybe able to help. Or at the very least get ya to connect to your "Remote Host Server" ;)

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