Thursday, April 14, 2005

No More Than $300

Remember when I wrote I didn't want to spend more than $300 on a recording device? Well now I'm looking at spending $500 on a portable DAT recorder that records on media cards so I can use a USB port to upload any recordings.

Sure, I could find a used minidisc recorder for $30 (in my case, more, I'm sure) and do the S/PDIF thing. I don't know what that means. Can someone bypass the annoying ATRAC encoding simply by using cable? I'd try it myself...if I hadn't left my recording device at a show. Also left were a notebook full of material and a nice microphone. If you see a comic talking about temping for Larry Flynt, that's my material. Mine. The Mr. Beaver line? Mine. That was actually a true story, my temping for Larry Flynt. Remind me to tell that story sometime.

Ummmm, this isn't really an official entry. If anyone knows anything about the make and model below--is it good, bad, worth it--please give me a heads up.

The fact I haven't purchased it yet is a good sign. I'm known for my impulse buys.

Marantz PMD660
It can run for hours on just four AA batteries. It records on Compact Flash media cards which you can find in any discount store, and will store more than 36 hours of mono on a single card. If audio quality is your key requirement, you get over an hour of pristine, uncompressed, 16-bit .wav files. Editing can be achieved right there in the field using either of two editing modes, or you can use your favorite audio editing application by transferring files to your PC-the PMD660 even has its own USB port. XLR inputs, phantom power, built-in mics and more-it's all there in the PMD660.

Also, anyone have information on Martel Electronics? They seem to have the best deal at present.

All for now. I appreciate everyone's feedback. Very helpful.


Redlobo said...

500 BUCKS! Hell, it would be cheaper just to get a cheap voice recorder and just make copies on your home stereo. Then just mail the tapes to us because I am willing to wait 4 to 6 weeks for delivery.

Maybe you should not do any podcasting because I feel it is just an expensive passing fad. By next year, videocasting will be all the rage. Due to the magical moving pictures, we will be able to actually see and hear you on a thing called TV. Technology is a wonderful thing.

I cannot wait for Bumcasting. It is where you tell your bum to go and shout out your rants and raves everywhere he goes. My neighbourhood bum, Crusty (I named him that) does that at 3 am in the morning. Well he did until I kil...he moved away permanantly.

P.S. I you are going to spend 500 bucks just to Podcast to like 8 people then maybe you have a shopping problem. Is that why all comics and actoress in LA are broke? You probably either have a huge shoe collection or you go through a thousand combs per week.

P.S.S. If you got the money, go for it.

P.S.S.S. I got nothing important to say I just wanted to see how long my P.S. could get.

P.S.S.S.S. Okay I'm Done.

P.S.S.S.S.S. Seriously, I'll stop.

P.S.S.S.S.S.S. One more for the road.

P.S.S.S.S.S.S.S. HAHA made you scroll down.

estevan carlos benson said...

The ATRAC compression is not so much an encoding method like MP3, rather that's just how the audio is recorded to the disc. When you send a signal either through the headphones or the SPDIF, its not in any ATRAC format. Through headphones, it's an analog signal. Through SPDIF, it's a digital signal.

So for example, you want to "copy" it to your computer, you could use a SPDIF rca connection on the MD, hit play, send that through the cable to the SPDIF input if your computer. You would need recording software ( Make sure the software is set to recieve a signal from the digital input. Hit record on the software. Hit stop when you're done. Then save it.

Perhaps this is too complicated. Some of the other technologies might allow for more ease. I don't know. I might not be the one to ask on second thought. I'm a huge sound nerd. I like lots of buttons and distortion. hmm. Sorry.

Redlobo said...

Maybe you should think about an alternative such as a pda. I am thinking about getting a dell Axiom PDA myself and I like it already. It can record mp3, play mp3, play movies, organize all your info, and looks cool too. Don't forget it has bluetooth and wifi as well. And for under 300 it seems like a good deal. Just another angle to look at before you decide.

estevan carlos benson said...

I think a device like the pda will be very limited on audio quality or amount of audio recorded. All that might probably be dependent on the size of the flash card you're using. The pda might kill a couple birds with one stone, but i'd be hesitant to purchase it if your primary concern is recording shows.

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