Sunday, May 22, 2005

Surefire Idea Needs Financing

I came up with it this morning, returning home from a coffee/paper run. Before I left, my car was parked in front of the building where I live, the perfect spot. Sometimes I hate to leave the house because I don't want to give up a good spot, and I always go through a period of mourning when I do. The worst scenario is when I'm about to give up my perfect spot (MINE!) and there's someone already waiting for it, turn signal flashing. It hurts. If I see them getting pissy that I'm going to slow for their tastes, I'll pretend to have left something inside the house and motion that I'm not really leaving, false alarm. Once they drive off, I'll leave.

Suffice it to say that parking spots are few and far between in my neighborhood. So today, as I'm driving a slow 20 miles an hour up my street, infuriating those behind me , I came up a great idea. If I had my own personal fire hydrant, I'd never have to look for a spot again.

The fire hydrant would have to be made from a heavy rubber so that it wouldn't move. Before you abandoned your parking space, you'd simply pull the fire hydrant out of the trunk and place it next to the curb. And you'd return it to your trunk when you came back.

Brilliant, right? So who's willing to invest in this? I figure I just need $10,000 in start up funds and we're good to go.


"Z" said...

I dunno about tha 10G's but here's an idea until you get the funds. Check out your locak Home Depot or Lowes and get yourself about 2 Highway cones and place them at the front and the back of your parking space just as u clear it. They may or may not get stolen but if you come out of your building and another car is there, I'd keep and eye on the driver and then when you see them I'd ask them where are my cones? I seen this is Ocean's 11 and it seemed to work. Holla

Trey Goals said...

How about incorporating this idea into some sort of "social entrepreneurship?" You could donate a portion of the profits to your charity of choice.

Laura Swisher said...

Yeah, I thought cones might work, but a fake fire hydrant, that's commitment.

The other idea I've always been tempted to do is have a can of grey spray paint in my car, so if I needed to, I could make red curbs disappear.

"Z" said...

Love the grey spraypaint idea. Seen that on a commercial and I'd say go for it. You could also get a can of red spray paint and use that for your building parking space could you not? Holla