Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Effin Funny

The folks over at Effin Funny have selected me as their featured performer today. I performed at the Empty Stage not too long ago (couple months) and the evening was captured on tape by three different cameras, like it was a real, professional show. So if you want to see some comedy, please go visit the site. If you care to, add comments saying you loved the clips (yes, it's okay to lie). Check out the other comics on the site. And if you live in LA, I would definitely recommend attending a future taping of Effin Funny because they get some of the best comics in town to go up, including many who have been guests on W&TS.

All for now. Thanks.


Butternut said...

(another Fucking spammer?)

Laura proves George Carlin's premise once again, that rape can be funny.

I used to watch Comedy Central in its early days when all they did was run stand-up. (Stand Up, Stand Up). I had many comics' sets memorized. Hasn't really come in handy yet.

I'm no comic, but, with the rape joke it seems like the "the message of the website" part goes at the end of the bit not the middle. Like a tag ending. Plus I think you could run with it and compare it to dating sites.

Adopted. I hope you have a lot of material about being adopted. It's not an experience everyone has. Oh, and unless the clip was edited it seemed like there was much set up about how you didn't have a "black" upbringing.

Need more clips like this. More! I demand it like a whining Internet forum brat. Huzzah!

Remember when Gallagher did political/environmental comedy?

Butternut said...

(another Fucking spammer?)

Laura proves George Carlin's premise once again, that rape can be funny.

I used to watch Comedy Central in its early days when all they did was run stand-up. (Stand Up, Stand Up). I had many comics' sets memorized. Hasn't really come in handy yet.

I'm no comic, but, with the rape joke it seems like the "the message of the website" part goes at the end of the bit not the middle. Like a tag ending. Plus I think you could run with it and compare it to dating sites.

Adopted. I hope you have a lot of material about being adopted. It's not an experience everyone has. Oh, and unless the clip was edited it seemed like there was much set up about how you didn't have a "black" upbringing.

Need more clips like this. More! I demand it like a whining Internet forum brat. Huzzah!

Remember when Gallagher did political/environmental comedy?

Tim said...

In 1989 I met George Carlin (I was 19) at the Guard THeater in New London; made a quip to him and ten days later he threw it back at me from the guest seat sitting next to Johnny Carson. Long story (pope Spud) for another time - I'll check out your act when I get home and can settle in.

duboisist said...

Here's the thing about the adoption bit:
Everyone who has ever seen BET or any rapper named "lil" something or other is positive they know everything there is to know about being black, so they will be confused as to why don't know at least as much as "they do".
What you can do is say that you are thinking to yourself, "Be more sister? You know more about being black than I do!" That should make it more believable.

Tim said...

A few things, which must be said:

The racial card is losing ground as a stand up comedy device. A few weeks ago Clinton went on to brag about the number of civil demonstrations he's attended then concluded I believe the same post by calling crystal meth "cracker crack". But cracker is only a funny racism term because as we know, only white folks are racist. If I were to toss a derogatory word around in conjunction with a particular drug or it's misuse, it wouldn't be funny, cheeky and it sure as fuck wouldn't "slip past" Clinton's champion civil eye. In 1983 I was a little white cracker breakdancer on a full crew of Puerto Ricans and Black kids. We called little white boys who wanted to be black "yo boys". A few years later their younger brothers were "wiggers". Now, the children of the kids I grew up with - every little white shit with his hat cocked sideways - really thinks he's grown up black.

The cold hard fact is, who the fuck am I to say they didn't. Who's anyone?

Laura I love ya and I hate to report this: I felt bad for your adoption bit. Maybe awkward is better. You are one friggen slick chick and there is a multitude of shit out there to joke about other than to play on your insecurities. Where are the freakin boob jokes? I as your faithfull cracker feel compelled to tell you that you might find some nitch and kill it and let go of the "i feel awkward" material. I'd rather hear you rip someone(s) up - point the finger - have a ha ha ha at someone elses expense. I felt to some extent that to laugh at your adopted black girl routine was to laugh at you when you were in your teens gathering your identity. I dunno - I think your star has yet to really be launched into the heavens but that it will and when it does I hope you keep your inner soft spots good and protected from douchebags like us who know fucking everything. Now the George Carlin story...

Tim said...

In 1989 a publisher friend of mine made it possible for myself and a friend to meet and chat briefly with George Carlin. It was between sets at The Guard Theater in New London Connecticut. He did a bit about the Pope that went something like this: "You never see a pope named Bob. Where are all teh Pope Bobs? Or for that matter, Pope Skippy!" He went on about his pope names and at the break between performances we went backstage to have him sign autographs. He was tiny - like 5 even and wonderfully charming to us hounds. As he went to sign my pal Dave's ticket I said "would you sign it to Spud? He's been Spud for years." Carlin looked at Spud and just stared - then said "that'd be a GREAT name for a pope huh - Pope Spud!" We laughed. HE laughed. During his second performance he used this. We were honored.

Two weeks later Carlin is on Johnny Carson. He does some standup - no pope spud - and is chatting with Johnny; says "I'd like to say goodnight to all my sons around the world". JOhnny says "ok". He turns to the camera and says "Goodnight Rajeem, Mohamed, Abdul and SPUD!" I screamed. Carson retired a few years later. I've never followed Carlin afterwards to where I knew if he kept using "spud" or not but who fuckin cares. It was kick ass.

Merry Christmas Laura. You sassy wench. And you too Clinton - the cracker crack thing just shows you can lighten up once in a while and find the humor even in racism - if selectively. Everyone hug those you love (and tell them so) and wear your seatbelts and I'll do the same.

Anonymous said...

First of all...Merry Christmas Lady Laura :)

You've got a great delivery with your routine... very funny, but online doesn't do you justice. Too small...you're bigger than the medium.

It would be great if you would do some of your routine on the podcast...alittle holiday treat.

P.S. - Do you take American Express for a lap dance?

Ho ... Ho... Ho...

duboisist said...

Merry Christmas and my God bless us everyone. (Even you crackers).


1. I used the term "cracker crack" to suggest that meth has the same devastating effect on poorer white communities as crack did on poorer black communities.
2. I neither "bragged" about my participation in acts of civil disobedience, mentioned what I've demonstrated about, nor given any reason for anyone to assume my preferences.
3. I believe the most authentic for of communication is to honestly share one's point of view based on one's personal experience.
4. The complexion of my skin is what it is and I feel no need to "lighten up."

That said, what you shared makes my point -- **Everybody knows, or at least thinks they know, something about being black, so it is unbelievable to think that by simple being raised by white people Laura would not know at least as much as they do.**

It's a good joke, but it's tricky because Laura has to do something "black" that is familiar to her audience without making it unbelievable because they all know more about black people or making the audience self-conscious of the fact that they know no more about black people than she suggests.
What I'm suggesting is equivalent to saying "this is a true story." It gives the audience permission to focus on the elements of the joke and temporarily ignore the rest of reality.

Anyway, Merry Christmas Little Laura, Tiny Tim, and all of God's creation.
Here's hoping there's more love, happiness, peace, and understanding in the world next year.

Laura Swisher said...

Interesting observation. I think there's something to it. Although it's inspired by a true story, I don't love the bit, probably because I myself am bored with generic racial humor. Nevertheless, I find that, in general, audiences love when their stereotypes are reinforced, even when it's done as an example of how there are still stereotypes. I guess it's sort of like preaching to the choir. That make sense? In any case, I appreciate the feedback, even if you do call me on the carpet a bit.

Tim said...

I didn't mean to "call you on the carpet" Laura - just, I like you sister - if you were a real life friend I'd have told you the same thing. There is something awesome yet undiscovered at the heart of your humor - and I hope we get to see it.

Clinton I have tremendous respect for you - didn't mean to be jerky with the cracker thing. Fact is cracker is a funny word with both a stupid denotation and awesome phonetics. My unspoken theory on racism is that it can only die or ease up if people let it which is much easier said than done but maybe this new generation of white K-feds who are sure they grew up black might play a role I dunno. Axle Rose once said "in the US we pride ourselves on being different - everybody wants to be an individual - but if you point to someone and say "hey they are different" you commit the cardinal sin." I paraphrased from memory - he was probably just talking about food. Anyhowz.

Tim said...

Clinton when I say "lighten up" I don't mean your skin tone but at least you make no secret about where your head is at.

duboisist said...


"lighten up" = joke
As was "Merry Christmas to you crackers."

Sometimes I feel like detailed discussion about the nuance and minutia about race. Sometimes I make stupid jokes. Sometimes I remain quiet. If that's were my head is at, so be it.

In the spirit of Christmas I wanted to acknowledge that you were trying to express something. I'm not sure what's upsetting you, but it sure ain't about me.

If you really want to know some of what I think about race, you're welcome to visit the Weezy and the Swish messageboard.

Tim said...

lol if i was "upset" about anything it was your failure to catch my multiple cracker references in this last week.

I feel that a "discussion" on race is less valuable than one on weight which threatens the lives and livelihood of individuals on a private - all alone in life - basis as well as family. I tend to avoid the fat jokes as well.

As far as your views on race, I ask myself how interested you are in MY views on racism. My GUESS is not-very. That's ok though because what makes my opinion worth more than 2 cents? That I'm not among the fat and that I'm dead seckseh? Nah! My opinion is just that - my opinion. In my opinion coffee really does not need sugar but who cares really.

I will say you completely ignored my awesome George Carlin story though - and I hope you had a great Christmas. When I saw "tsunami" across news sites this a.m. I nearly crapped my pants.