This is therapy with spell check. Instead of seeking answers to actual problems, however, I will be petty and superficial. It's less work. Please enjoy.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Fucking Residents Not Amused
I would like to preface this post by urging readers to refrain from using offensive language in the comments section. While this is an interesting Fucking story, I trust we can discuss this with dignity and thoughtfulness. Enjoy.
Perhaps the real crime here is the town's unwillingness to adapt to the times. Obviously there is a market for these signs. If they only way to get one is to steal it how can you blame the thief? Sell some signs, sell some postcards and recoup the cost of the lost signs.
Laura...I'm watchin 40 dumbest quotes...and you said you've got big I've never heard of you...but I do know big jus let me see your titties an let me be the me at the mall...
The spammer that posted above me must be from that town.
Maybe these Fuckers could set up a sign trade agreement with the villagers in Phuket. (Poo-keht).
Lord, if you want me to be nice for Christmas just send me a Fucking sign.
I can't wait for streets to be named after our former presidents Bush. Bush Drive, Bush Place, those signs will be removed if the streets are anywhere near a fraternity house.
I was going to go back and correct my question to "Do you email your mother with that keyboard?" I'm glad I didn't, because it wouldn't had been anywhere near as good of a setup.
I'm a self-absorbed artist type who just re-relocated from Los Angeles to San Francisco to Los Angeles. In LA self-absorbed artist types have head shots. In San Francisco they have single gear bicycles, which are much more difficult to hand out. I hosted some shows for TV and, and I do stand-up.
Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?
Perhaps the real crime here is the town's unwillingness to adapt to the times. Obviously there is a market for these signs. If they only way to get one is to steal it how can you blame the thief? Sell some signs, sell some postcards and recoup the cost of the lost signs.
If they do meth in fucking is is fucking cracker crack?
So the residents of this town would legally be Fuckers.
All of the mothers of this town would be Mother Fuckers...
Uneducated people would be Dumb Fuckers...
Overweight people would be Fat Fuckers...
If you go there on your honeymoon, you could say you went to Fucking and had a good time ..
lol lol you get the joke .. you Crazy Fuckers ... lol lol
Laura...I'm watchin 40 dumbest quotes...and you said you've got big I've never heard of you...but I do know big jus let me see your titties an let me be the me at the mall...
Drink Better Coffee
SpotaJava Coffee
The spammer that posted above me must be from that town.
Maybe these Fuckers could set up a sign trade agreement with the villagers in Phuket. (Poo-keht).
Lord, if you want me to be nice for Christmas just send me a Fucking sign.
I can't wait for streets to be named after our former presidents Bush. Bush Drive, Bush Place, those signs will be removed if the streets are anywhere near a fraternity house.
Thanks for the comment, Max. I WILL drink better coffee.
And Clinton, I DO kiss my mother with this mouth, but it's okay because *I don't use tongue.
*Just writing that made me uncomfortable. But removing my own personal feelings, I think it's kind of funny so I'm posting it so I remember it later.
I was going to go back and correct my question to "Do you email your mother with that keyboard?"
I'm glad I didn't, because it wouldn't had been anywhere near as good of a setup.
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