Friday, January 19, 2007

Been Busy

My mom just sent me a link to this Dark Tip clip on YouTube. Thought I'd go ahead and share it with you guys since I don't have time to write an actual entry. I'd say why I've been busy but I don't want to jinx myself. But if everyone could cross their fingers for me, that would be great. Go ahead and cross your fingers now. Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Fingers are crossed. Good luck, back to the big time for you :)

duboisist said...

Consider mine crossed. Break a leg or something.

Pneumonica said...


Tim said...

Tag says 'Laura Swisher was hot'. How hot 'was' you? It annoyed and befuddled a girl I am dating when she asked "who is that" and "do you know her" and I tried in vain to explian that I post on your blog. She's computer illiterate. Looked like I was friggen hiding something she said. NICE!

Thanks alot Laura!

Laura Swisher said...

Sorry, Tim. I didn't even mean to link to Digg. By the way, I had a great time with you the other night. You never said you had a girlfriend!

Butternut said...

I agree, you were hot.

Tim said...

"I dont' have a girlfriend but I do know a girl who would be mad at me for saying that"

Mitch Hedberg 1968-2005

You left a few lacy things at my place. Thankee.