Friday, August 14, 2009

Speaking Truth to Power

That pic was from a New Hampshire blog, and it really crystallized what this whole health care debate should be about: Bringing "Arrested Development" back to our televisions. I know the politicians will try and water this down with a "motion picture option", and Republicans will probably try and kill it with a free market "10-minute-interstitial" approach to the show, but progressives need to stand strong. We need to demand a weekly 1/2 hour with at least a 13-episode pick-up.

Are you listening, Obama? Who's with me?


tankboy2902 said...

I'm willing to bet one of the scriptwriters from Arrested Development thought this up.

tankboy2902 said...

Better joke:

I'm willing to bet one of the scriptwriters from Arrested Development thought this up.

Or from Squidbillies. Scroll down to "Best Uses" for fashion tips. Haute Ass Couture!

Butternut said...

More of the same, but funnier

Evan said...

Yes we can!