Sunday, February 27, 2005


And I thought this year's Oscars was supposed to be edgy. I was entirely under whelmed. I missed the beginning of Chris Rock's monologue but what I caught of it was solid. He's a great stand-up so it was funny, although a little tame.

Although it finished on time (I think), it felt like 5 hours. I did love, however, how they shaved extra time off the clock by having all the "lesser" nominees on stage when the winner was announced so all the winner had to do was walk two feet to the podium, while the losers skulked off. Another nice touch was how they didn't even bother to present certain awards from the stage, as when Cate Blanchett presented for...I don't remember. Was it the animated short? The lifetime achievement of storyboard artists? Best Sound Something or Other? Can't remember.

I think they can shorten the show even more. Instead of talking to nominees in the aisles, they should have a second stage. The second stage would play host to categories like Makeup and Visual Effects and it would take place simultaneously with the categories that viewers were actually interested in. And if you really were interested in seeing the Sound Mixing winner, you could look to the lower left hand corner of the screen and see the drama unfold in a slightly more condensed format, with text scrolling underneath so you could read what was happening.

Did anything even happen tonight? That Canadian guy with a ponytail did a strange sort of head bob...ummmmm...the white haired guy with the monotone voice was a buzz kill, sucking what little energy there was out of the building.

One of the award recipients looked toward the sky and thanked his mom and dad. It should be noted that his parents are both flight attendants and very much alive. Many viewers were unnecessarily touched by the sentiment. He was just saying "Hey!" cause they were working tonight.

I didn't take any notes really so this is about all I have to say. Oh, and the party? Guy thought it would be a great idea to make some type of Chinese hamburgers. When I first saw them I got excited, thinking he'd made pupusas. But they weren't. They were Chinese hamburgers. Don't ask what they were called. I don't know. But they were a little greasy--meat fried in some kind of dough.

We were all kind of bored. Where were the siblings making out? The one-armed push-ups? The crippling tears? Hyper Italians stepping on the seats?

Sadly, they weren't present tonight.

Your thoughts?


Mick said...

wow, huzzah to me for not watching it then!

Mr. Bloggerific Himself said...

I skipped it as well.

It's hard to be Spaceballs on DVD for $7.50

Laura? Not one bit of commentary on eveningwear? No photos of the Chinese burgers?

Mick said...

blog me, laugh!

Mick said...

:D i love the venture brothers, poor brock and his mullet,

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