Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Holy Taco Shell

This story sheds some light on something strange that happened to me last week. I was making soft tacos, heating the tortillas in the frying pan, when an image of a lizard-like creature appeared on one of the tortillas. Not knowing the significance, I ate it. I'm so embarrassed now.


FatalPierce said...

I'm not sure but I think that means you now have the spirit of the komodo dragon within you.

Also I see this is a dangerous precedent for males of any species, once this ability is more fully realized the women can start phasing us out.

duboisist said...

This can only occurs in species that lay eggs and you end up with all females. The species also ends up with less genetic diversity.
As long as the goal is more than reproduce at all cost, me no worry.

Anonymous said...

This means you are crazy...

... or, You are evoulving into a diferent person with strong survival skills...

... or, That's some damn good weed. lol lol

How should I know Connie

Butternut said...

I think one of the zoo keepers did the fertilization. I mean who can resist those dragons? Maybe it's just me.

Geek reproduction:

Tim said...

David Ike unavaible for comment.